What are scheduling queues?
Since the processes enter the system they are put into job queue. This queue contains all processes in the system. The processes that are exist in main memory and are ready and waiting to execute are kept on a list called as the ready queue. The queue is in general stored in as a linked list. A ready queue header consist pointer to the first and final PCBs in the list. We extend every PCB to include a pointer that points to the next PCB in the ready queue.
When the process is assigned the CPU, it implements for a while and executes for a while and eventually quits is interrupted or waits for the occurrence of a particular event such as the completion of a request for example the completion of an I/O request. In the case of an I/O request such a request perhaps dedicated tape drive and so on. since the system has several processes, the disk perhaps busy with the I/O request of some other processes. The process afterward has to wait for the disk. The listing of processes waiting for a particular I/O device queue is called as a device queue.
A new process is originally put in the ready queue. It waits in the ready in anticipation of it is selected fro execution. Formerly the process is assigned to the CPU and is executing one of several events could take place:
- The process could issues I/O request, after that be placed in an i/o queue.
- The process could create a new sub process in addition to wait for its termination.
- The process could be detached forcibly from the CPU as a result of an interrupt and be put back in the ready queue.
In the first two cases the process finally switches from the waiting state to the ready state and is then put back in the ready queue. A process keep going this cycle until it terminates this cycle until it terminates at which time is removed from all queues and has its PCB and resources deallocated.