
What are qos metrics and why are qos metrics important


What are QoS Metrics? Why are QoS metrics important?

QoS stands for "Quality of Service". Quality of Service metrics are metrics or measurements that allow a service provider or administrator to measure the quality and effectiveness of a given service (BasuMallick, 2022).

QoS metrics are used across many services. Examples of QoS metrics for network performance are latency, packet loss, and jitter. Calling system QoS metrics include call success rate, duration, and number of dropped calls. Other common areas for use of QoS metrics are Cloud services and SaaS platforms.

QoS metrics are important because they provide service providers with data about the quality of their service. These metrics can indicate problem trends, areas, both logical and physical that may need to be targeted for improvement, and trends that indicate where development efforts should be focused for long-term service development.

QoS metrics may be required as a proof-up for cutomers that show service-level agreement standards are being met. They can show customers that they are recieveing what they pay for in a service.


BasuMallick, C. (2022, 7 11). What Is QoS (Quality of Service)? Meaning, Working, Importance, and Applications.

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