
What are psychological games amp why people play these

Message: An art that predicts the likelihood of economic activity on the basis of certain assumptions:

a. Compensation

b. Sales forecasting

c. Sales budgeting

d. Selling policy

Multiple Choices:-

1. Which of the following is not comes under Maslow?s needs theory?

1. Social needs

2. Affiliation needs

3. Physiological needs

4. Specification needs

2. Collegial model is an extension of:

a. Supportive model

b. Autocratic model

c. Custodial model

d. None of the above

3. Sigmund Freud?s theory on personality is:

a. Related with moral values

b. Related with sexual values

c. Related with social values

d. Related with parental values

4. A person who moves fast, talk rapidly, usually impatient, measures success by quantity is a person of:

a. Class A personality type

b. Class B personality type

c. Class C personality type

d. Class AB personality type

5. According to Maslow?s need hierarchy theory esteem need comes at________ position from bottom:

a. 2nd

b. 3rd

c. 4th

d. 5th

6. Informal communication is also called:

a. Grapevine

b. Red vine

c. Adams communication

d. Dead communication

7. Needs related to hunger, thirst, sleep etc. are considered as:

a. Safety needs

b. Physiological needs

c. Social needs

d. Self actualization needs

8. Horizontal expansion of a job that involves the addition of tasks at same level of skills:

a. Job enrichment

b. Job rotation

c. Job enlargement

d. Management by objectives

9. Path goal theory of leadership is developed by:

a. Robert R. Blake

b. Charles Bird

c. Fred fielder

d. Robert House

10. Potential or ability to influence others in a delivered direction is called:

a. Politics

b. Power

c. Motivation

d. Leadership

Part B:-

1. Define Bureaucracy.

2. State the concept of „Span of Control?.

3. Wright a short note on classical conditioning learning theory of Ivan Pavlov.

4. What are the various stages of group development?

Caselet 1

M/s. ABC Ltd is a medium-sized engineering company producing a large-range of product lines according to customer requirements. It has earned a good reputation as a quick and reliable supplier to its customers because of which its volume of business kept on increasing. However, over the past one year, the Managing Director of the company has been receiving customer complaints due to delays in dispatch of products and at times the company has to pay substantial penalty for not meeting the schedule in time. The Managing Director convened an urgent meeting of various functional managers to discuss the issue. The marketing manager questioned the arbitrary manner of giving priority to products in manufacturing line, causing delays in wanted products and over-stocking of products which are not required immediately. Production Control Manager complained that he does not have adequate staff to plan and control the production function; and whatever little planning he does, is generally overlooked by shop floor manager. Shop floor managers complained of unrealistic planning, excessive machine breakdowns, power failure, and shortage of materials for scheduled products because of which it is impossible to stick to the schedule. Maintenance manager says that he does not get important spares required for equipment maintenance because of which he cannot repair machines at a faster rate.

Inventory control manager says that on one hand the company often accuses him of carrying too much stock and on other hand people are grumbling over shortages. Fed up by mutual mud-slinging, the Managing Director decided to appoint you, a bright management consultant with training in business management to suggest ways and means to put his "house in order".


1. What would you suggest to avoid delays in dispatch of products?

2. What action should be taken by various functional managers to meet the scheduled dates?

Caselet 2

Rajender Kumar was a production worker at competent Motors Limited (CML) which made components and accessories for the automotive industry. He had worked at CML for almost seven years as a welder, along with fifteen other men in the plant. All had received training in welding both on the job and through company sponsored external programmes. They had friendly relations and got along very well with one another. They played Volleyball in the playground regularly before retiring to the quarters allotted by the company. They work together in the company canteen, cutting Jokes on each other and making fun of everyone who dared to step into their privacy during lunch hour. Most of the fellows had been there for some length of time, except for two men who had joined the ranks only two months back. Rajender was generally considered to be the leader of the group, so it was no surprise that when the foreman of the new was transferred and his job was posted, Rajender applied for the job and got it.

There were only four other applicants for the job, two from mechanical section and two from outside, when there was a formal announcement of the appointment on a Friday afternoon, everyone in the group congratulated Rajender. They literally carried him on their shoulders, and bought him snacks and celebrated. On Monday morning, Rajender joined duty as Foreman. It was company practice for all foremen to wear blue jacket and a white shirt. Each man?s coat had his name badge sewn onto the left side pocket. The company had given two pairs to Rajender. He was proud to wear the coat to work on Monday. People who saw him from a distance went up to him and admired the new blue coat. There was a lot of kidding around calling Rajender as „Hero?, „Raja Babu? and „Officer? etc.

One of the guys went back to his locker and returned with a long brush and acted as though he were removing dust particles on the new coat. After about five minutes of horseplay, all the men went back to work. Rajender went to his office to familiarize himself with the new job and environment. At noon, all the men broke for Lunch and went to the canteen to eat and take a break as usual. Rajender was busy when they left but followed after them a few minutes later. He bought the food coupon, took the snacks and tea and turned to face the open canteen. On the left-side corner of the room was his old work group; on the right-hand side of the canteen sat the other entire foreman in the plant-all in their smart blue coats.

At that point of time, silence descended on the canteen. Both groups looked at Rajender anxiously, waiting to see which group he would choose to eat with.


1. Whom do you think Rajender will eat with? Why?

2. If you were one of the other foremen, what could you do to make Rajinder?s transition easier?

Section C: Applied Theory

1. What are Psychological games & why people play these games?

2. A good leader is not necessarily a good manager." Discuss statement and compare leadership with management.

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Marketing Management: What are psychological games amp why people play these
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