
What are proxy datawhat is flood frequency analysisflood

Climate Change

Read Chapters 11 and 12:

1. What are proxy data? ____Give three examples of proxy data

2. An interval of cold climate between 1645 and 1715 is referred to as the ___. The cause of this colder period was attributed to __.

3. What is the Northwest Passage? ___.

Prior to the 21th century e.g., year 2000), how hard was it to sail from Europe to Asia via the Northwest Passage.

4. Explain the concept of "cap and trade"? ___

5. What is a feedback effect? ____.

How does melting snow and ice produce a feedback effect that contributes to more warming?

6. Explain concept of carbon sequestration. ______.

What are some concerns of carbon sequestration? _____.

7. What is permafrost? _______.

Where is permafrost found in the Northern Hemisphere? ______.

What undesirable problems can occur on the surface if permafrost melts? _______.

8. What is fracking? ____.

List the pros and cons of fracking? Read chapter 13 on streams and floods (and/or go over my ppt. on flood-recurrence intervals).

1. What is flood frequency analysis?

2. Flood records have been kept of the lower Mississippi River since 1543. If the greatest flood along the river occurred in 1927, what would be the recurrence interval for a 1927-type flood?

3. The Baton Rouge, Louisiana Flood occurred in August of this year. Write a 2-page report on this flood. Include in report: 1) cause of flooding, 2) extent of flooding, 3) casualties and loses, and 4) state and federal government responses.

4. If in 2016, the Baton Rouge Louisiana Flood became the greatest flood on the Mississippi, what would be the recurrence interval for the Baton Rouge-size flood?

5. Since Baton Rouge is now the greatest flood, what would be the recurrence interval for the 1927-type flood now?

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English: What are proxy datawhat is flood frequency analysisflood
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