
What are primary and secondary instrumentalisation

Consider the following questions:

1.Does Heidegger's idea of enframing do anything more than recycle romantic prejudices about technology?

2.How have technology designs been sexist in the past? Is the situation improving in the digital era?

3.Why did Marx think that technology designed to oppress them would ‘redound to the benefit of the working class'?

4.Can efficiency be challenged as the dominant value at the scene of technology design? Should it be?

5.What is ‘interpretative flexibility' and why is it important to constructivist thinking about technology?

6.How did the idea of technological progress come to be associated with the project of Western domination in the nineteenth century?

7.Can hacking computers be a legitimate part of progressive political activism?

8.What are primary and secondary instrumentalisation? Are these ideas useful?

9.We are often told that we live in a ‘technological culture': how distinctive does this make us?

10. How are the aesthetics of digital technology design implicated in ongoing strategies of domination and exploitation?

Response should be 3000 words.

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Other Subject: What are primary and secondary instrumentalisation
Reference No:- TGS02008579

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