
What are possible consequences for organizations managers


Schematization of the nursing process in personnel management and occupational safety

Do not forget that all work must have an introduction, development, conclusion and references sections.

Introduction (1 paragraph): includes the definitions of the concepts.

Conclusion (1 paragraph): Reflects, based on evidence, on the topics analyzed in the task.

References: Includes the references of the sources consulted

In order to perform the following task, it is important that you have studied the required resources of module 4. This task consists of two parts:

Yoder-Wise, P.S. (2019). Leading and managing in nursing (7th ed.). Elsevier.

Chapter 12: Care Delivery Strategies
Chapter 13: Staffing and Scheduling
Chapter 14: Workforce Engagement Through Collective Action and Governance
Chapter 25: Managing Personal and Personnel Problems

Part 1

• Read chapters 12, 14 and 25 of the course textbook to be able to answer the following premises:

• Explain how the management of the multidisciplinary team is related to occupational safety and labor policies.

• After reading the following hypothetical case, answer:

• What are the possible consequences for the organization's managers if an undesired event occurs?

• What ideas can you contribute to improve the participation of the nursing professional?

A hospital in Puerto Rico receives a high volume of clients in the Emergency Room. Daily, in each 8-hour shift, about 10 admissions are made. The departments of medicine and pediatrics have the client census at maximum capacity. The surgery and maternity departments are the only ones with a low number of clients, but surgery has 10 clients for the operating room daily and the gynecologist has 2 to 3 daily deliveries. Diagnoses of clients admitted to the ER are mostly R/O COVID-19, chest pain, congestive heart failure, pancreatitis, and there are 3 clients admitted to the pediatric ER for bronchial asthma.

Part 2

Read chapter 13 of the course textbook so you can complete this second part.

• After having read the chapter and the following hypothetical case, you must outline the phases of the nursing process, identifying at least one problem exposed in the case.

• The nursing process must be designed according to the content of the chapter of the course textbook. Also, you must integrate leadership and management level problems presented in the hypothetical case:

In the surgical intensive unit where you work there are 2 of the 14 available beds. There are 20 nurses in total to cover shifts of 8 hours per day. On a daily basis, the thoracic surgeon operates on 3-5 clients, but if any emergency arises, the surgeon handles it. Each nursing professional is in charge of 2 to 3 clients. A nursing professional holds the narcotics key and checks the crash carts on shift. It should be noted that, of the 20 employees, there are 2 who are in guidance, but with experience in other areas of the hospital.

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