
What are most effective discipline strategies or techniques


Teacher Interview OR Discipline Journal

Choose a teacher who you can interview and observe in his/her classroom. The classroom can serve infants/toddlers, preschoolers or school agers. Begin your paper by stating who you interviewed, where he/she works, what age children are in the class; and why you chose this person. Ask the teacher to sign this assignment sheet; then scan and attach as the last page of your assignment.

Signature and Printed Name of Teacher Interviewee

Interview Questions:

1. "What are the classroom rules? How were these rules formed?"

2. "How does your knowledge of child development (ages and stages) help you respond to discipline situations?" "Can you give me a specific example of a discipline strategy that is age-appropriate for your students?"

3. "What are your most effective discipline strategies or techniques and why?"

Add two additional questions of your own design based on the chapter readings. Reference a page number for your interview questions. For example, "How do you observe and assess the children in your classroom?" (Miller, pg. 83). "How do you respect cultural differences and meet children's social - emotional needs?" (Miller, pg. 116)

Observation Questions:

1. While you are observing, do you see the classroom rules being enforced? For example, do you hear the teacher giving reminders, "please use walking feet." Do you see the classroom rules posted in the classroom?

2. How is the classroom age-appropriate? First, describe what children should be doing according to Piaget's stages of development (identify the stage of development and give a short description). Then give one example from the classroom that relates back to the theory. Also, describe Erikson's appropriate stage of development and give one example how the classroom is age-appropriate. Refer to the chart on pages 42-44 and all throughout of your Positive Guidance book.

3. What evidence do you see in the classroom and in the teacher's interactions that would support the children's social-emotional growth? (Miller, page 279, 299-300)

From the following list, choose three journal questions you wish to write about. Each entry needs to be typed, double spaced and approximately one to two pages in length. You must reference the book at least three times in each journal entry (include the page number you are referencing).

1. Considering yourself as a teacher or as a parent, describe two different discipline situations: one discipline situation that you handled well and one where you were not pleased with the result. When describing both the positive and the negative, describe

a) the child's actions,

b) your actions,

c) the evaluation of your actions (why did you handle it well or not well),

d) what might you do differently next time.

2. How do you have your classroom (or home environment) set up to prevent discipline problems from happening? Describe the physical setting. What would you change in your physical set-up to prevent discipline problems from occurring? How can you create more of a community feeling; fostering a spirit of cooperation and team work?

3. Give five of your own examples of appropriate and clear expression of feelings that give children information without directly attacking anyone ("When you tear the leaves off this beautiful plant, I feel so sad because plants can die if their leaves are harmed.") How did the child respond to your expression?

4. Choose two particular behaviors that cause problems at home or in your classroom. What is the child (or children) doing? Describe what happens before, during and after the behavior occurs. Why do you think the child is using this challenging behavior? Then, develop a plan for each behavior. Which guidelines for effective guidance would you apply in this situation.

5. Thinking about your own behavior, describe one change that you would like to make in how you communicate with young children. Make a consistent effort to make that change. Then record how children's reactions to you change.

6. List three examples of natural consequences that children in your care have experienced. Also, list three logical consequences for actions of children in your care. Did you notice a difference in the outcomes between these two methods for the children? How can adults assure that logical consequences are not negative, degrading, humiliating or hurtful?

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