
What are minerals and sketch different types of mineral

Question 1:

(a) What are minerals? Sketch different types of mineral crystal forms and list different types of rock forming minerals. Describe with examples the importance of mineral identification in engineering applications.

(b) Differentiate three types of rocks with examples. Also, summarize their properties for engineering applications.

(c) Describe briefly the process of mechanical and chemical weathering of rocks. Draw a typical soil profile and discuss the factors controlling soil profile development.

(d) Define ‘folds', ‘faults', ‘dip' and ‘strike' and explain each of them with neat sketches. What are synclines and anticlines? Discuss the first and second rules of anticlines.

Question 2:

Critically analyse "Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Investigation Report" (attached) with respect to the ideas learned in Week#11. The analysis should contain sections such as overview of the report, aspects included in the report and aspects missing in the report. You should also include a section covering what would you do differently if you were assigned to complete the investigation and prepare report?

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Civil Engineering: What are minerals and sketch different types of mineral
Reference No:- TGS0654068

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