
What are mean and standard deviation for the abortion rates

Discuss the below:

Q: The following table displays information on the abortion rate- the number of abortions per 1,000 women- for each U.S. state and the District of Columbia in 2000.

a. What are the mean and the standard deviation for the abortion rate for all states?

b. Using the information from (a), how many states fall more than 1 standard deviation above the mean? How does this number compare with the number expected form the theoretical normal curve distribution? Can you suggest anything these states have in common that might cause them to have higher abortion rates?

c. How many states fall more than 1 standard deviation below the mean? Is this number greater or lower than the expected value form the theoretical normal curve? Again, can you suggest any characteristics these states have in common that might cause them to have lower abortion rates?

d. Create a histogram of abortion rates for all 50 states and Washington, D.C. Does the distribution appear to be normal? Use this information to further explain why the number of states falling more than 1 standard deviation below the mean differs from the expected value.

Abortion Rate (per 1,000 women) in the United States by State: 2000

Alabama 14.3
Alaska 11.7
Arizona 16.5
Arkansas 9.8
California 31.2
Colorado 15.9
Connecticut 21.1
Delaware 31.9
D.C. 68.1
Florida 31.9
Georgia 16.9
Hawaii 22.1
Idaho 7
Illinois 23.2
Indiana 9.4
Iowa 9.8
Kansas 21.4
Kentucky 5.3
Louisiana 13
Maine 9.9
Maryland 29
Massachusetts 21.4
Michigan 21.6
Minnesota 13.5
Missippi 5.9
Missouri 6
Montana 13.5
Nebraska 11.6
Nevada 32.2
NewHampshire 11.2
New Jersey 36.3
New Mexico 14.7
New York 39.1
North Carolina 21
North Dakota 9.9
Ohio 16.5
Oklahoma 10.1
Oregon 23.5
Pennsylvania 14.3
Rhode Island 24.1
South Carolina 9.3
South Dakota 5.5
Tennessee 15.2
Texas 18.8
Utah 6.6
Vermont 12.7
Virginia 18.1
Washington 20.3
West Virginia 6.8
Wisconsin 9.6
Wyoming 0.9

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Basic Statistics: What are mean and standard deviation for the abortion rates
Reference No:- TGS01895117

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