
What are longitudinal monozygotic twin studies for what

Each response MUST be 150 words per question

1. Psychologists and psychiatrists can determine whether an individual is more susceptible to mental illness by conducting a family medical history. Familial pattern and prevalence data for psychological disorders can be found in the DSM 5.

For example if you look under panic disorder in the DSM 5:

"First-degree biological relatives of individuals with panic disorder are up to 8 times more likely to develop panic disorder. If the age at onset of the panic disorder is before 20, first-degree relatives have been found to be up to 20 times more likely to have panic disorder....Twin studies indicate a genetic contribution to the development of panic disorder."

The DSM 5 has familial information for all the psychological disorders listed in the manual.


2. What are longitudinal monozygotic twin studies? For what purpose are they utilized in research and clinical psychology?

3. Why is research needed in clinical psychology? How do clinicians use research to develop effective treatment plans?

4. Each week I will provide a few questions to help start the discussions.

You are not required to answer them for DQ participation points since DQ responses are no longer required for participation credit. These questions will simply serve as catalysts for discussion. Other discussion topics can be found at the end of each reading section above.

What significant events contributed to the evolving nature of clinical psychology in recent times? Whom do you identify as major contributors to the discipline? What are those contributions?

5.Psychological Assessment

We do our best as clinicians to eliminate bias. Some of the projective tests are older tests, i.e. the Rorschach, which are rarely used in clinical practice today, such as the Rorschach. Objective tests are more statistically accurate because there is no subjective evaluation involved.

Objective tests can identify fake good and fake bad responses, are scored in the exact same way every time regardless of the clinician, and have been revised many times over the years to reduce margin for error.

On the other hand, projective assessments such as House, Tree, Person, the Thematic Apperception, and Family Portrait tests can be very telling when used with children.

Additionally, some testing is more closely associated with specific modalities. As you can imagine, the Rorschach and word association tests can be beneficial when conducting psychoanalysis. Explain

6. Explain Greek Influence on Clinical Psychology

7. Explain The founding of clinical psychology

8. Explain The influnece of World War I

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Dissertation: What are longitudinal monozygotic twin studies for what
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