As a classroom teacher, how can you work as a partner with parents/families to increase student learning? What are some key points we can focus on to ensure a consistent academic success for the students with the parents supporting them?
• Bludau, J. (2006). Introducing service learning into a school: Engaging students, teachers and community partners in meaningful projects. Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 73(1), 20-24. [This is a very short article.]
• Rosevear, J. (2009). 3 service learning projects. Instructor, 119(3), 58-59.
• Russell, N. (2007). Teaching more than English: Connecting ESL students to their community through service learning. Phi Delta Kappan, 88(10), 770-771.
• Shatkin, G., & Gershberg, A. (2007). Empowering parents and building communities. Urban Education, 42(6), 582-615.