
What are industrial smog and photochemical smog

Review the chapters and Response to the questions:

Instructions: On the following pages


(2) Answer the question without copying word for word from the book, this means discuss like in a rational conversation. Do NOT expect full credit for one word or phrase answers.

(3)In ADDITION FOR EACH QUESTION - what does this topic teach you or how have you seen something about this topic in the real world that pertains to home and work.

Chapter-Air pollution:

What are industrial smog and photochemical smog, and how do they differ?

Chapter-Global Climate Change:

Suggest some ways in which seasonal changes in plant growth is Canada might affect songbird populations in Mexico.

Chapter-Water pollution:

Tell whether each of the following represents points source population or nonpoint source pollution : fertilizer runoff from farms, thermal pollution from a power plant, urban runoff, sewage from a ship, erosion sediments from deforestation.

Chapter-Pest management:

Biological control is often much more successful on a small island than on a continent. Offer at least one reason why this might be the case.

Chapter-Solid and hazardous Wastes:

What are the goals, strengths, and weaknesses of the Superfund program?

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Other Subject: What are industrial smog and photochemical smog
Reference No:- TGS01987586

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