What should we eat?
Create a 4 -5 page essay, double spaced, 12 font. You may choose to write a traditional argument or you may choose to write a narrative argument, similar to what Foer did in "Against Meat". You may choose to cite outside sources but must include them in your final works cited page.
FIRST CHOOSE AN APPROACH: traditional or Narrative:
Traditional argument essay: Use a "They say I Say" approach. In other words, start with one writer's opinion, then agree or disagree and create your thesis from there. Use at least 2 writers we have read in your essay and 4 total citations.
Narrative argument essay: Start with a story- like format describing your own experience, but still making an argument for your view. For example, if you want to argue about food choices, you could take the readers with you to the supermarket, show them what you see and how you decide what to buy. You could take us with you to breakfast, lunch and dinner and describe what you eat and why. You could take us through your day to show us what it is like to eat on the go, as you argue about the challenges of eating well or debunk the myths that eating healthy is too hard, too inconvenient, or too expensive. Show us the proof in what you intend to argue by taking us through your experience as Foer did. This approach allows you more creativity, but you must still argue for or against a clear view. Use at least 1 writer we have read in your essay and 2 total citations.
EITHER ONE OF THE APPROACHES WILL WORK FOR ANY PROMT BELOW. The traditional is exactly what we did with essay one. The narrative is different. It will allow you to provide more story- like and personal examples. Choose the narrative if you have a personal story to tell about food. An essay like Foer's essay is built on personal experience, yet still maintains an academic argument. CHOOSE WHATEVER SUITS YOU BEST.
CHOOSE A PROMPT: ( Shapin, Foer, Zinczenko or Balko)
Prompts: Choose one prompt from the bold section of each essay.
Steven Shapin, a professor of the history of science, argues that the health benefits of organic food are in many cases dubious. Is there an argument you would like to make about organic food?
In the essay, "Against meat", Jonathon Safran Foer tells the story of his relationship with food and the profound meaning it has had in his life. He admits being a meat eater for a significant portion of his life, but describes how that changed once he had children and felt required to answer the difficult questions about what he ate and why. He describes this circumstance as being shamed into reconsidering what choices he made about food. Is there an argument you would like to make about what and why you eat what you do? Is there an argument you would like to make about eating or avoiding certain foods?
David Zinczenko and Radley Balko have different views about who is responsible for the health and obesity epidemic in America. Zinczenko argues that the food industry is to blame, while Balko suggests every consumer hold responsibility and in fact, argues that if consumers were required to pay for their health bills, they would make better choices about the food they eat. Is there an argument you would like to make for or against Zinczenko's or Balko's views?