What are haitians views of homosexuality

Discussion Post

The St. Fleur family is well respected in the Haitian community because they are religious with great moral values. They moved to the United States because of political issues in Haiti. Ronald, the youngest son of this family, is 27 years old and lives at home with his mother and father. Recently, he began having fevers and subsequently developed pneumonia. He was admitted to the hospital, where laboratory tests were HIV positive. Ronald was in shock when the doctor informed him that he was HIV positive. He confessed to the doctor that he was gay, but he could not tell his family. He said that he did not want to bring shame to the family. Because he couldn't be in a formal relationship disowning to his family and the Haitian community's view of homosexuality, he has been very promiscuous over the years.

• What are Haitians' views of homosexuality?

• If Ronald's parents were to learn of his positive HIV status, how might they react if they are religious and traditional?

• Identify three major culturally congruent strategies a healthcare provider can implement to address HIV prevention practices in the Haitian community?

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: What are haitians views of homosexuality
Reference No:- TGS03206564

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