
What are global forces affect businesses

Discussion & Assignment

Discussion:Global Forces and Diversity

You have read about some aspects of business in the global environment and about the rewards and challenges that come with a more diverse environment. You have also encountered the idea of "global outsourcing" and "global supply chain management." The readings explored how new technology developed in a distant land, and changes of political alignments , can impact global business operations and ripple across the world to affect all types and sizes of businesses.

 150- to 500-word statement in the Discussion thread that responds to all of the following:

1 What are some of the global forces that affect businesses today?

2 Give an example of how a specific business, company or industry has been, or could be, affected by global forces ?

3 How might a company's diversity of employees, customers, and suppliers affect its success in today's global business environment?

Respond  at least 75 words each to two or more of your colleagues' postings in one or more of the following ways:

1 Ask a probing question.

2 Share an insight from having read your colleague's posting.

3 Offer and support an opinion.

4 Make a suggestion.

5 Expand on your colleague's posting.

Assignment :Application: Ethics in Diverse Hiring Practices

This readings have dealt with the important issues of ethics, diversity, and social responsibility. Many people consider these issues to be inter-related or overlapping aspects of doing business in the 21st century. An organization's diverse stakeholders can, and generally do, have diverse opinions and varied expectations concerning what constitutes ethical behavior and socially responsible management.

Consider the case "Men Enlist in Fight for Gender Equality",

300- to 700- word paper which answers all of the following questions:

1 Why is Mike Kaufmann leading the women's networking group at Cardinal Health?

2 What have some male managers learned from participating in Catalyst's initiative for middle and top managers to understand the challenges faced by women in the workplace?

3 What are some of the potential advantages of having lead corporate diversity efforts?

4 What are some of the potential disadvantages of having an employee who represents the predominant workplace demographic (for example gender, age, or ethnicity) lead corporate diversity efforts?


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Other Management: What are global forces affect businesses
Reference No:- TGS01820095

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