Ferrara, K., Burns, J., & Mills, H. (2015). Public attitudes toward people with intellectual disability after viewing Olympic or Paralympic performance. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 32(1), 19-33. doi: 10.1123/apaq.2014-0136
Have a quick look at both articles to help you decide which one to choose. They are both very similar lengths and will involve the same amount of work to complete. The assignment requires you to critically evaluate your chosen study, answering the questions outlined below. Use paragraph format with full sentences (no bullet points), to answer each question below. There is no need to include separate introduction and conclusion paragraphs. You need to describe the strengths and limitations in the methods section, rather than just describing the study overall.
In a paper, you need to focus only on the methods section and the discussion section. Do not about information from any other parts of the study (e.g. abstract, introduction, results). t least one paragraph to answer each of these questions.
A. What type of research design did this study use? Descriptive, correlational, or experimental? Explain why?
B. What are some general strengths and limitations of this type of design?
C. What methodological strengths and limitations can you identify in the sample of participants?
D. What methodological strengths and limitations can you identify in the materials and measures?
E. What methodological strengths and limitations can you identify in the procedure?
F. What recommendations for future research do you have, based on the methodological limitations that you have identified?