Cheap: Chapter 9 - The Double-Headed Dragon and supplemental article
1. Why do audits of factories not take care of the problem of sweatshops? List and discuss at least 3 reasons.
Use the article, Confessions of a Sweatshop Inspector to help you with this question.
Length - 3 bulleted items with several sentences for each item.
2. If you were a sweatshop monitor, how would you conduct an inspection of a factory?
List and discuss at least 5 things you would do to make sure the inspection is a good one.
Length - 5 bulleted items with several sentences for each item.
3. What are four practical strategies a company can carry out to promote ethical sourcing of its suppliers? (See the Confessions article to help you with this one.)
List and discuss each one.
Length - 4 bulleted items with several sentences for each item.