
What are forms of consumer sales promotion

Discuss the below:

Pick PROMOTION or AD DEVELOPMENT - Doing both WILL NOT earn YOUR TEAM Extra Points


1 CONSUMER PROMOTION - What forms of CONSUMER sales promotion does YOUR team use? Describe at least two (2) consumer promotions and explain how each promotion helps draw customers, build brand recognition, and increase sales for YOUR brand.

2 DEALER PROMOTION - What forms of DEALER (TRADE) sales promotion does YOUR team use? Describe at least two (2) dealer promotions and explain why each promotion helps to increase dealer interest and drive additional sales to YOUR brand.

3 DIGITAL PROMOTION - Although not specifically mentioned in the simulation case, DIGITAL marketing could be added to the promotion mix in order to reach YOUR target audiences. Identify at least two (2) types of digital promotion YOUR team would use, describe how YOUR team would implement them, and explain how they would attract customers, build brand equity, and grow sales for YOUR brand.


1 Considering the target market and positioning from YOUR Marketing Strategy, develop either a 1-page print ad (magazine or newspaper) OR a 30-second video ad for YOUR team's product.

For print, create an ad by drawing, copying & modifying, or using another method. (The goal is to show your concept in a meaningful way; you are NOT expected to be an artist.)

For video, create an ad with whatever capabilities you have available. (The goal is to show your concept in a meaningful way; you are NOT expected to be the next J.J. Abrams.)

Answer the following questions regarding YOUR team's ad:

How does YOUR ad differentiate your product or brand from the competition? What are you trying to communicate?

In what media will YOUR team's ad appear? Why?

How frequently will YOUR team's ad appear? Why?

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Marketing Management: What are forms of consumer sales promotion
Reference No:- TGS01953488

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