
What are financial implications for small businesses

Assignment task:

With the recent passing of the Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017, there are strong opinions on both sides as to the effects this act has had on the national economy. What are the specific financial implications for small businesses, large businesses and the national economy?  Feel free to give your opinion but back it up with cited references. (You will need to use the internet on this assignment.)  I am not grading on whether or not you agree with me; I am grading on the quality of your research and your argument.

In order to receive full credit you must present statistics on the financial impact from at least two reputable sources - and Wikipedia is not an acceptable source. You must also refute one argument from the opposing point of view and cite the source of that viewpoint. Remember - the more supporting documentation you can provide, the better your grade will be.

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Other Subject: What are financial implications for small businesses
Reference No:- TGS03292392

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