
What are essential components of workplace citizenship

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Q: Reflecting on your current or future workplace, what are the essential components of workplace citizenship? Critically argue the importance of at least three skills or values.


In nursing practice, the theme of citizenship in the workplace has gained immense importance and popularity. Therefore, healthcare market and workplace citizenship are the important concepts to improve the workplace behavior and practices in healthcare setting.This essay elucidates myreflective learning on workplace citizenship and essential components of workplace citizenship at my current work place as an Enrolled Nurse.Reflection is an active exploration of personal experiences(Driscoll & Yegdich, 2006). In nursing practice, a competent nurse is adjusts to different clinical contexts, and uses appropriate communication skills (Crisp & Taylor, 2009), communication here being the process of transmitting thoughts, feelings and attitudes via spoken, written and non-verbal means in order to exchange ideas and construct meaning (Crisp & Taylor, 2009).The essay will examine why Communication, creativityandteamwork are the three essential components of workplace citizenship in my workplace.

Workplace Citizenship and its Essential Components

Workplace citizenship mainly focuses on Communication, social responsibilities, and teamwork, which promotes the growth of workplace citizenship (Yen & Teng, 2013). Current research stated that, workplace citizenship is highly beneficial for the employees to improve their workplace behavior and follow their roles and responsibilities to develop citizenship ability of the organization. ( Pavalache-Ilie (2014).

Workplace citizenship is highly useful to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of employee's behaviors' and their capabilities to handle more responsibilities; so that a positive attitude can be developed among all and they can improve their knowledge and work with more integrity and responsibilities to execute social responsibilities practices in an effective manner (Ahmadi, Nami & Barvarz (2014). Workplace citizenship is a significance factor to attain competitive advantage and strengthen the creativity mean for a successful nursing practice as they are directly related to the job and performance of the employees and their responsible behavior towards their patient.

Communication as essential component of workplace citizenship

Communication is one important skills and values of the workplace in healthcare setting abilities for employees to communicate encourage a teamwork. According to the study of Dunlop & Lee (2004), these component is vital in healthcare environment, because without having an understanding about these component, doctor and nurses relationship might be jeopardise and that might affect patient-centred care.

Recent publication depicts communication as the most crucial skill of skills. The author highlights that without effective communication; there will be a lack of good performance in the work place. ‘One of the most important skills that any person in an organization needs is the ability to communicate. Without communication other skills are less useful' Dwyer (2003

Recent studies points out that even though you are skilled in other areas, without communication, your skills are fail to be recognized as you fail to communicate them effectively

Communication is an exchange of feelings, ideas and information, whether by speaking, writing, signals or behaviors.

Nursing is a profession that relies on communication in order for outcomes to be achieved. It requires the interaction of the staff to communicate effectively to make sure the patient receives the best care possible.Poor communication among patients and health professionals results in errors of judgement, and inadequate patient assessments (Stein-Parbury, 2011).

Teamwork As Essential Component In Healthcare workplace

In Healthcare Teamwork is defined as a dynamic process involving two or more healthcare professional with complementary backgrounds and skills, sharing common health goals and exercising concerted physical and mental effort in assessing , planning, or evaluating patient care .The nursing profession requires effective team work in order for patient care to be enhanced. For this to be achieved they will need to collaborate with various members of the hospital department such as physical therapists and other multidisciplinary team to perform patient care, it is therefore essential for a nurse to have team work qualities.

Effective teamwork in healthcare workplace is very important for many reasons ,but one of the most important reasons is to promote patient safety .Today's healthcare settings include workers from a different cultural backgrounds ,working together,team work play a vital roleso as to resolve conflict that may occur due to language barrier as thesedifferences can pose a barrier to team development.

. Effective team work in nursing can also promote job satisfaction. It will improve quality care for the patients while increasing patient safety and will also support new and inexperienced staff. Effective team work in the nursing profession has also been proven to be cost and time effective.Health careworker should have a spirit of developing each other through teamwork. Each care provider plays an integral role in the care of a patient, being a nurse I work effectively with other multidisciplinary that care for patient to meet the patients' needs, For instance when a patient is admitted in my unit, I work effectively with the attending doctor, to make the patient comfortable and act as a direct liaison to the patient so as to know the background and make a good referral to appropriate section. Empathy is another way, nurses must appear to be empathetic with those in their care and communicate effectively with other treating multidiscipline to ensure the safety of their patient and protect the face of organization to patients and visitors.In order to achieve optimum job satisfaction team nursing reduces stress in the health care setting which is beneficial to the patients and colleagues.Job satisfaction can be acquired by team members setting some goals and implementation. Team work requires all members to have respect for one another, to have dignity and maintain privacy in order for job satisfaction to be achieved without these elements team work is deemed to fail. To gain job satisfaction a team should always have mutual understanding of each other. When nurses work as a team it is easier to break down the work load into small manageable parts and thus provides a stress free environment. Successful team work will attain job satisfaction by avoiding conflicts and non judgmental situations. Working as a team provides nurses with the chance of interacting and gaining knowledge from various members of the hospital department and visitors; in turn nurses will feel a sense of accomplishment to their job satisfaction (Maxwell, J.C.2002). Team work at any given time, should exercise sincere and freely opinions for job satisfaction achievement. Teamwork in nursing, achieve good outcome and job satisfaction,when a patient gets better, as a way of expressing their appreciation some of them will send a card to the people involved in their care, some of the appreciation can be expressed verbally and others with their facial expressions such as smiling and as they are looking forward to be discharged home.

Social Responsibility

Current research shows that recognising the risk at the initial stage should be the key in preventing patient harm, and sustaining a culture of trust between patients and health professionals (Johnston, 2010).Social responsibility is the obligation an organization's management team has towards the interests and welfare of the society or community, that provides resources and environment to not only survive but flourish.In other words, social responsibility is the way healthcare organizations continue back to and takes care of the community such aspromoting health,prevent illness of patients,retore health and alleviate suffering.

Moreover, the component of social responsibility as a core attribute of employability is important for the workplace to promote the role of nurses in the community.

For instance ACT health were I work,also contributed to the community at large by sending volunter Nurses to West African countries to help erradicate Ebola outbreak. This uphold the definition of social responsibility and by providing free eye check for the pensioner and aged patients in the area.


Based on the above discussion, it can be concluded that Workplace citizenship mainly focuses on Communication, social responsibilities, and teamwork, which promotes the growth of workplace citizenship .This essay examines professional issues, including social responsibility, communication, team work and critically argue the importance of at least the above three skills.These three attribute are essential skills and values that should be among the employees to promote citizenship behaviour,and to work in a team with diversified people and community members.

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