A. Define Mycroremediation.
B. What are enzymes and How are they used by Fungus?
C. Define Biodegradation, Biosorption and Bioconversion. Similarities? Differences? Perhaps making a table would be good.
D. How are these processes utilized by Fungus and Waste Managers?
E. Are mushrooms valuable as a food source? Explain.
F. Should we consume mushrooms that have been used in Bioremediation? Explain specifically.
G. What are the most important parameters to define a contaminated site for its potential to use Mycoremediation?
H. What is the difference between in situ and ex situ and how does it apply to bioremediation?
I. What is toxicitiy? genotoxicity? a mutagen? a carcinogen? a teratogen?
J. Relate this to the article of Paul Stamet's Ted-Talk: 6 Ways Mushroom Can Save the World
K. Reflection on your thoughts about Fungus and how they are part of our Life Support System.