
What are enablers and barriers to using level 2 evaluation

Assignment 1

Read the chapter: Experiencing a paradigm shift through assessment

This chapter focuses on the difference between a teacher-centered vs. a learner-centered approach to evaluation. I strongly encourage you to read this chapter...according to the students last semester, teacher-centered vs. learner-centered was one of the most valuable topics in the class!

This chapter is from Huba, M. E., & Freed, J. E. (1999) Learner-Centered Assessment on College Campuses, Shifting the Focus from Teaching to Learning. Allyn & Bacon.

Although the authors talk about learner centered assessment in the context of college campuses, it is equally valuable for those of you working in other settings.
To earn the bonus points:

Read the chapter

Discuss the chapter with others interested in bonus points in the "BONUS POINTS: Learner Centered Assessment Discussion". (This forum will be for students from all groups interested in participating in the discussion.) Post a minimum of one original post and three replies, but the topic is so interesting you will likely post/reply even more!

Use the following questions as a starting point for your discussion:

Any of the "reflection questions" from the chapter.

What are your greatest learnings and/or surprises from this chapter?

How can you implement a more learning centered evaluation approach in your work environment?

Anything else you want to discuss about the article!

Assignment 2

Forum Discussion

Please use at least three of the following questions as a minimum for your discussions on level 2 evaluation.

What is the purpose of level 2 evaluation?

What are advantages and disadvantages to using level 2 evaluation?

What are enablers and barriers to using level 2 evaluation?

Why is reliability important in level 2 evaluation?

Why is validity important in level 2 evaluation?

Level 2 evaluations are the second most commonly used evaluation. Why do you think that is?

Also consider discussing:

What were the two or three most important ideas you learned about level 2 evaluations?

Why were these ideas important to you?

How do these ideas relate to your current use (or experience) with level 2 evaluations?

If you currently teach, think about your own use of level 2 evaluations:

Do the level 2 evaluations you use accurate measure student's knowledge, skill, and application in all the areas that are important to evaluate?

Do you use a variety of methods for level 2 evaluation or do you tend to over-rely on one or two methods? Why do you think that is? What are the implications of using a smaller or larger variety of level 2 evaluations?

What do you know, or what are your thoughts, on the reliability and validity of your level 2 evaluations?

Anything else you want to discuss about level 2 evaluation or evaluations in general.

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International Economics: What are enablers and barriers to using level 2 evaluation
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