
What are disadvantages to using motivational interviewing


Motivational Interviewing: Case study


Andrea is a 17-year-old Hispanic in the U.S. illegally. She crossed the Mexican border with her mother last year. Mama is finding sporadic work. At times Andrea has been able to work with her mother. However, there are many days when Andrea is left by herself in the rundown building where they live with other illegal immigrants. Various drugs have been offered to Andrea. Mama has on a couple of occasions returned to find Andrea passed out on the couch next to a bottle of aerosol spray. Mama doesn't know what to do to help Andrea. She has gone to the local Migrant Council to ask for help.


"Sometimes I like it here in the U.S., and at other times, no. We never have enough money and people are always asking my mother for money. There is no water in our building, and most of the time no electricity. There is nothing to do. We are afraid to ask for help because of being illegal. We had so much hope when we dreamed of coming here. But we had to pay everything to the Coyotes to get across the border so we had nothing when we got here. My mama tries her best. She cleans houses. Sometimes I help her. But other days I am left here by myself, with nothing to do and no money. So I talk with other people here, and they are mostly out of work with no money too. I started smoking pot with some of the other young people. Some of them are mean, so I try to stay away. But I get so bored that I have to find somebody to talk with. My friend Angela is good to talk with, but she has bad drug habits. A couple of times I have huffed with her, but I really do not like it that much and will not do it anymore. Mama is so worried about me, and I think it is ridiculous. It was her idea for me to come in here (to the Migrant Council). I am really alright, if we just had a little more money."


1) What are some advantages to using Motivational interview on the case study of andrea?

2) What are some disadvantages to using Motivational interviewing on Andrea?

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Other Subject: What are disadvantages to using motivational interviewing
Reference No:- TGS01889326

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