
what are difference between mealy and moore state

What are difference between Mealy and Moore state machine?

Difference between Mealy and Moore state machine:

1) Mealy and Moore models are the fundamental models of state machines. A state machine that uses only Entry Actions, therefore its output depends onto the state, is termed as a Moore model. A state machine that uses only Input Actions, therefore the output depends onto the state and also on inputs is termed as a Mealy model. The models decided on influence a design but there are no common indications as to that model are better. Alternative of a model depends onto the application, execution implies (for example, hardware systems are generally best realized as Moore models) and personal preferences of a or programmer designer

2) Mealy machine has outputs which depend onto the state and input (therefore, the FSM has the output written onto edges) Moore machine has outputs which depend onto state only (therefore, the FSM has the output written into the state itself.

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Computer Engineering: what are difference between mealy and moore state
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