
What are dental batteries and how did ornithologist take

What is so "bird-like" about the hips & feet of ornithopods? 

Categorize each of the following ornithopods according to their geologic age, body size, and dentition (tooth structure): Heterodontosaurus, Hypsilophodon, Iguanodon & hadrosaurids.

Match each of the following phrases to the appropriate ornithopod: "vegetarian sprinter", "bulky lizards", "second named", "dentist's nightmare".

Briefly list the skeletal characteristics of Heterodontosaurus which typify all ornithopods. Organize your list under the headings "head", "hips", "hands" & "feet". 

Briefly answer each of the following questions about ornithopod behavior and cite the evidence which supports your answer. List websites you consulted after each answer.

1.What did ornithopods do which made them one of the longest-lived and most diverse dinosaur groups?

2.What are dental batteries and how did ornithopods take advantage of them?

3.Were hadrosaurs grazers or browsers?

4.How did hadrosaurs signal to one another?

5.When and in what environments did North Central Texas ornithopods live?

6.Why is North Central Texas such a great place to participate in a dinosaur excavation?  

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Reference No:- TGS0140986

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