What are Denbigh reactions? Explain its specialcases.?Denbigh (1958) was the first to treatthe following rather general reaction schemeA1R3S-rA= k12CArR= k1CA - k34CRrS= k3CR24rT= k2CArU= k4CATUk12= k1+ k2k34= k3+ k4With CAo+ CRo+ CSo+ CTo+ CUo= CA+ CR+CS+ CT+ CU?The performance equation for this reaction scheme reduce directly to all the specialcases, such asSARSARARSR RUTAAST?This scheme has wide application to a whole host of real reacting systems. These rateequations are all of first order and so to development of the performance expressionsdo not involve complex mathematics, although it may be atedious task