What PESTEL forces are driving tension in these industries? What is the new industry segment where the industries converge? What are some cultural issues that further exacerbate the tensions? What are some of the strategies GM and others are employing to protect their turf?
Tension Grows as Auto, Tech Industries Converge tion to preserve its interests autonomous t BY HIGGINS including a bill in Indiana last Waymo is fighting back. When Illinois state Rep. Mi- year that would stop Michigan's SAVE Act, enacted in December, was amended chael Zalewski state vehicle maker Tesla from that would its stores incude after outcri car makers to operate self. GM denied it is trying to from the tech driving taxi services, he leaned keep tech companies ut of Just as Americans shoul o heavily on General Motors Co. market have a choice in what car th His bill, introduced Feb. 8, vehicles, saying that ulti buy, they should also have would limit access to the busi mately the lawmakers make choice to ride in safer ness to companies that make the decision on what is filed. advanced self-driving cars, heir That on the auto maker Waymo spokesman said means GM would be eligible said it has been having statement not tech companies such sions with uber and Waymo a GM's Mr Lightsey said he as Uber Technologies unit of Goog e owner Alpha aware of at least 10 state hat are developing their own bet Inc., on language that ev.
Where the SAVE Act languag and don't eryone can support. is circulating among la make their own vehicl our business is to intro- ers, including in bills filed Motors ap duce new technology into ve Maryland, Georgia and Te proached me about it and sug hicles safely and that's what nessee. gested that they had success we do," said Harry Lightsey Tennessee state Rep.
W year in Michigan with a M's executive director of lam Lamberth said he co lmilar bilul, and they consider emerging technologies policy sulted with GM and Chicago a ibig market for them, Mr Zalewski, a Demo- with tech companies being lar to the SAVE Act The R erat, said in an this business if they can show publican said he is cautio ent from there. they are responsible and can about letting tech com GMs involvement in the be for the perfor have access to public roads fo legislation underlines a sim mance of their product. testing, "I know that if a mering tension between De troit car makers that hav duced bills in 20 states that car on the roadway it's going self-driving cars, o have gone through a thou- long done it way, and Sil- nvolve icon Valley technology compa o the National Con sand different tests before nies that aim to rewri the ference of state Legislatures ever gets out on the road, Mr. rules of the road.
This year, lawmakers in sev- Lamberth said. He added th After falling behind in self eral states are at legis- is nothing preventing a tech ation modeled after legis company from creating a part cars, has leashed its lobbying team to tion with an cultivate with endorsed and that originally n minois, where Mr. Za- statehouses. The largest excluded tech companies from ewski in the past proposed vehicle maker by sales has a participating in statewide regulations against long history of backing legisla- bility on-demand services, or Uber, the said he was prepared to engage in a dialogue with the ride hai service.
Mr. Zalewski's bill includes a carve-out for Wayno similar o the one in the Michigan leg- islation, allowing for a com that has more than 1 million miles on public roads to be considered a car manufacturer, The Tennessee legislation doesn't have such a provision. "We think is early in the life of this technology states to enact legislation on cars, an Uber An autonomous General Motors vehicle, GM denies spokeswoman said in a state It trying to keep tech companies out of the market for self-driving cars.