
What are characteristics of well-designed goals

Review the following article:

Select an organization that you have worked for or one that you are familiar with and find the goals the organization has set. Many times this information can be found on the company's website.

Search the Internet and research goal setting. Compare the information you found with the information in the text. On your original posting, answer the following questions with supporting references.

What are three characteristics of well-designed goals?

Describe a brief overview of the firm and its goals. Make sure to support your work.

How would the firm you selected in Question #2 (above) achieve two of these goals?

Be sure to cite your sources using the correct standard of APA

Organizational culture 4 paragraphs

The organizational culture is quite different today in comparison to even a short ten years ago. Organizations of the past were mainly bricks and mortar and many were located in the communities which provided the bulk of their employees. Today managers often have never met, face to face, some of the employees they manage. The managers of the past measured employee contribution by the number of hours they spent in the physical location which was the workplace. Now the work environment is defined differently. Managers today oversee the work of subordinates in different countries and only see those employees Online through video conferencing or hear them on conference calls. This means of remote management did not seem possible ten years ago.

Organizations of today unite their employees through a common vision. In the past, corporations cultivated organizational culture through activities which involved all the employees being in the same location at the same time, doing the same thing, such as play a softball game or have a staff picnic. These days employees speaking different languages and working from remote locations around the globe, all enjoy a new form of organizational culture. In my business I leave work for my counterpart in India to finish while I am asleep as it is day time in Mumbai when I am sleeping. When I go to work and open my laptop the following morning, the work my counterpart did is waiting in my corporate Inbox. I then work on my portion of the project all day and return it to India at the end of my day, so the process can start again. As managers we set goal collaboratively so we are both measuring the progress to the corporate vision in the same way even though we are in different countries and cultures.

In my corporate location here in the U.S., I also oversee employees who live in the immediate area of the building where I work, but they work from home. This saves my department a great deal of overhead. Some of these locally remote employees use to come in to work, but we gave them the option to work from home and most of them took it. In the past employees came in and punched a clock. Now they log on and clock in from anywhere.  As a manager I use automated system to track to see when local remote employees are Online and measure quality of work by measures set up in the software environment my company has developed in for this specific purpose.

The organizational culture in my company is nothing like the cultures of the past in terms of management strategy and goal setting because we rely on management predictive or modeling software which is integrated into our network so data can be searched, selectively complied, sorted and analyzed. In the pasts, managers engaged in all these function just mentioned.

Globalization 2 paragraphs:

Globalization has a new meaning now. Globalization in corporate terms meant entering a new country market through the establishment of a physical presence. Now this is not the case. As companies seek to enter the market of China, they limit investment risk by entering first with Internet based products and services, but in China the internet is regulated by the government so content must always be approved. Globalization can be accomplished simply by setting up a website. It has become so easy to go global that the global market no longer intimidates entrepreneurs. Today it is common to shop Online from a company not in the U.S.

When my company went global our supply chain and value chain became more complex so we had to automate using a similar integrated method to that utilized by Walmart. We are so integrated that when we sell a unit of product in another country, it triggers an automatic notification in the country where the OEM operates.  When an item is purchased at a Wal-Mart retail outlet, the cash register reads a bar code which almost simultaneously communicates this information to the central warehouse for that geographical area. The warehouse is receives this notification which is, in essence, an order for a single unit to be replenished at the store at which the cash register is located. At the same instant the Wal-Mart central warehouse receives this notice, an identical notice is sent to the manufacturer telling them to replenish the item in the Wal-Mart warehouse. The suppliers who provide the inputs and raw materials to the manufacturer for the production of the product in question, are notified of the need to deliver supplies. If the supplier of the input also has suppliers that form part of the supply chain, then they are notified also.

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Other Management: What are characteristics of well-designed goals
Reference No:- TGS01862930

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