What are chances of the couple having a blond-haired child


Human Reproductive Biology

1. Define the following: chromosome, chromatid, centromere, autosome, sex chromosome, gene, karyotype, pheontype, genotype, allele, dominant, recessive, incomplete dominance, codominance, heterozygous, homozygous, polygenic, multiple alleles, carrier

2. Black hair is dominant over blond hair. A women with black hair whose father had blond hair reproduces with a blond haired man. What are the chances of the couple having a blond-haired child?

3. A child has cystic fibrosis. His parents are normal. What is the genotype of all persons mentioned?

4. The genotype of a woman with type B blood is BO. The genotype of her husband is AO. What could be the genotypes and phenotypes of the children?

5. Describe the structure of DNA. How does it differ from RNA? What does the term complementary base pairing mean?

6. What are the two types of DNA testing for a genetic disorder? Briefly describe each.

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Biology: What are chances of the couple having a blond-haired child
Reference No:- TGS01914925

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