
What are categories of legitimate reservation


TP Application Paper

Write a comprehensive paper that applies the TP tools to professional, scientific, or technical services (PSTS), educational or other service you are familiar with using either the "snowflake" or the "three-cloud" method as described in the text. The paper should included at a minimum a (1) CRT (2) EC, and one of the following (3) FRT with NBR; or TRT with PRT; or an S&T. In the narrative of the paper, describe the problem, situation, or system, how it was selected, the logic used or applied, the procedure, and the TP outputs.

Select a service problem, situation, process, or issue to apply the TP tools. Explain the rationale for its selection.

Use either the snowflake or three-cloud method as described  on the text. Walk the reader through the steps used using narrative, figures, and tables (as needed). Use APA formatting for the entire document. Make sure the tables and figures are formatted per APA.

Include the one or more Current Reality Trees (CRTs) to describe the current situation.

Include one or more Evaporating Clouds to describe the generic or core conflict.

Include one of the following:

• Future Reality Tree (FRT) with injections.(Use Negative Branch Reservation (NBR) as needed.)

• Prerequisite Tree (PRT) with a Transition Tree (TRT)

• Strategy and Tactics (S&T) Tree. See the example in Appendix A of Chapter 31.

Evaluate the entire tool set using the Categories of Legitimate Reservation (CLRs).

Provide a summary of the process and an interpretation the results or expected benefits.

The primary goals of assignment:

1. Does the paper demonstrate that you have a developed knowledge of TOC and the Thinking Process tools?

2. Does the paper achieve its intended purpose to apply the theory in detail to a real experiential case?

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Other Subject: What are categories of legitimate reservation
Reference No:- TGS02050490

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