
What are categorical program funds how do they differ from

Briefly discuss the differences in the old Minimum Foundation Program ( 1947 ) and the FEFP ( 1973 ).

What part of the basic FEFP formula ( State Aid = WFTE x BSA - (.96 AV } provides A. equity for students and B. equalization of funding for districts?

Review how student transportation dollars are calculated. What are the two major components?

What is the function of Workforce Development funds?

What are Categorical Program funds? How do they differ from general FEFP funding?

What are the four constructs on which the FEFP is based? ( Page 1--2nd paragraph )

Briefly define the following:

Full time equivalent

Program cost factor

Weighted FTE

Base student allocation

District cost differential

Sparsity supplement

Supplemental academic instruction

0.748 Mills Discretionary Compresion (audio is incorrect-changed from Local Discretionary Equalization).

ESE guaranteed allocation

Required local effort

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Finance Basics: What are categorical program funds how do they differ from
Reference No:- TGS01151345

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Exceptional Student Essential (ESE) provides services for students whose level of service is less than Support Levels 4 or 5 and are funded through the ESE Guaranteed Allocation. Required local Effort (RLE) The required local effort is the amount of funding provided by each district to cater for the cost of the grades k-12. Each school has its RLE. The Required Local Effort (RLE) is the amount of funding. Each district generates its own RLE by using the state and property levy.

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