
What are biological and environmental differences diagnosed


Discuss how mental health is affected by gender, sexual and gender orientation, and culture. What are the biological and environmental differences of individuals diagnosed with anxiety or depressive disorders as they relate to gender? What are the impacts of gender on substance abuse? What effect does trauma play in this disease? Describe the issues with historical research into Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD). If you were a researcher interested in studying APD, how would you design a study to address these concerns? What would be your independent and dependent variables? What is the difference between gender identity disorder (GID), gender dysphoria (GD), transsexualism, transgenderism, and gender nonconformity? What are the concerns behind using the diagnostic criteria of GID or GD? Explain how the DSM-5 exhibits transphobic bias and what steps have been taken to correct this. What additional steps can be taken to further remove bias and stigma against transgender people?

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Reference No:- TGS03326932

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