
What are basic steps in problem-solving model

Review Questions:

Q1. What are the five basic steps in the problem-solving model.

Q2. What is the definition of an assessment procedure is?

Q3. What makes a test "standardized?"

Q4. What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative assessments?

Q5. What kind of information does each type yield?

Q6. What are some instruments frequently used by community mental health counselors?

Q7. What vocational assessment instrument is most often used by counseling psychologists?

Q8. Explain Mean - Median- Mode- Know the normal curve and the standard deviations.

Q9. What are six popular types of psychological assessment methods?

Q10. What are twelve broad factors of test user competencies?

Q12. Explain what is meant by "grade equivalent" Interpret the meaning of a correlation. For example, what does a -.71 correlation tell you.

Q13. List and explain the different types of reliability

Q14. What does validity mean and what are the different types of validity?

Q15. How do clients differ when they enter counseling?

Q16. What should be included in a problem checklist in counseling?

Q17. What ten topics should most intake interviews cover?

Q18. According to the first popular conceptualization of intelligence, intelligence is........ The "gold standard" for measuring intelligence is....

Q19. What is the difference between the WISC & the WAIS

Q20. Compare S-Data to O-Data

Q21. What is the difference between Aptitude & Achievement? Give an example of each type.

Q22. What steps have been taken to make sure only competent test users administer tests?

Q23. What are the qualifications for purchasing test?

Q24. What are the guidelines for test interpretation?

Q25. What is the role of career assessment and what are the types of career assessment?

Q26. What are the types and role of educational assessments?

Q27. What are projective tests and how are they used?

Q28. What role do values play in the career counseling process?

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Reference No:- TGS03284992

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