
What are aims and objectives of kelloggs what strategies


Task 1: Research any one of the two, following business organisations: a) Sainsbury's or b) Microsoft and answer the following questions:

With reference to the assessment of this task the following criteria needs to be met:

a) Critically evaluate how the organisation defines its purpose and mission (look at your organisation's mission statement).

b) Give evidence on how your chosen organisation differentiates between its aims and objectives and give examples. ( you can give examples of your chosen organisation from the above task and also some other examples of other organisations)

c) Define how (SWOT and PEST) internal and external factors affect the organisations' plans
Then also research, define and explain:

d) The main elements of an effectivebusiness plan giving examples from your chosen organisation.

Task 2: For this task you will be given a case study on Kelloggs,the famous cereal company. This case study highlights aspects of Kelloggs company and its brand. It also shows the Aims and Objectives of the company and how they are used to create/develop strategies.

Read the case study and Answer the following Questions

1. What are the aims and objectives of Kelloggs?

2. What strategies are developed by Kelloggs in the case study, and around which objectives of Kelloggs, are these strategies set?

3. Critically examine the restraints/constraints.like time, money, labour and materiasl and the effect they have on developing strategies at Kelloggs?

4. Explain the use of contingency/crisis strategy as an aid to planning by Kelloggs?

The Case Study for task 2 will be tutor assessed and will contribute towards your final grade for this unit.

Assignment advice:

Case Study task advice: Answer the questions in relation to the case study. The questions will be in reference to the criteria given in this assignment.

The criteria it satisfies is:

• Using aims and objectives to develop strategies
• Critically examining the effects of constraints like time, money etc
• Explain use of crisis strategies as an aid to planning

Task 3: Write an essay of about 500 words analysing the effectiveness of planning to an organisation and use of continual evaluation in aiding planning. You can chose any organisation for this task.

Explain the key reasons why business planning is important

Analyse the effectiveness of planning to a given organisation

Explain with examples what external or internal issues might impact on the success of business planning

Explain the process for developing strategies from a set of objectives

Evaluate the effects that restraints such as time, money and labour can have upon developing strategies

Explain ways in which contingency crisis strategies can be used as an aid to planning

Explain with examples the main elements of an effective business plan

Analyse the extent to which the use of continual monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of implementation of the plan can aid the planning process.

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Business Management: What are aims and objectives of kelloggs what strategies
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