
What are advantages-challenges of evidence-based policing

Assignment task: You are expected to consult the instructor notes and assigned readings and materials while writing the exam. To support your arguments, provide specific citations from the assigned readings.

You are required to cite a minimum of two assigned articles per question. Cite appropriately and minimize the use of quotations. Only provide a reference list if you choose to also cite additional sources beyond the assigned readings. Media articles with examples to illustrate your arguments are welcomed but are not replacements for the assigned readings.

The required minimum length per question set response is one page and the maximum length per question set response is two pages.

1. What are the advantages and challenges of evidence-based policing as defined by Bueermann (2012)? How does this compare with the community policing initiatives of the 1980s discussed by Kelling and Moore (1988) and Rosenbaum and Lurigio (1994)?

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Other Subject: What are advantages-challenges of evidence-based policing
Reference No:- TGS03416261

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