
What are 3 fundamental decisions that are of concern the

It is important as managers that we be able to communicate our ideas both verbally and in writing. In this course we'll practice writing about accounting and finance topics that we cover in this course and that we might likely be called to report upon in real-life. We'll draw inspiration from library research and the article readings in class.

It is important in both academic and business environments that we write with clarity, employ good grammar, and properly attribute ideas drawn from research. To assist you in this writing task, I'd like you to use the following tools.

1) Essay Tips document within Session 1.

2) Word - Spelling and Grammar Check: In Microsoft Office 2003, Word, under Tools, Options, Spelling and Grammar, make sure Spelling and Grammar are checked. This feature checks for split infinitives and passive voice. Most of us rely extensively on the passive voice in our writing.

Doing so often raises issues of 'voice' in our writing and confuses the reader. If Word issues a passive voice error during a spelling and grammar review of your work, try re-writing the sentence with someone performing the action. To learn more about how to avoid using the passive voice, visit


The information will be provided in Week 3 of the course.

Please use the UMUC library to download the article below.

The article is "Challenges for financial managers in changing economic environment" and was published in

Procedia Economics and Finance 27 ( 2015 ) 726 - 730.

The article is by: Livia Ilie

It is available in PDF from the UMUC library. Let me know if you're unable to locate it.


Please respond to the following question from Session Please do this as a "response."

Session 1 - Role of the Financial Manager

1. What are 3 fundamental decisions that are of concern the finance team? What is the impact of these on the balance sheet?

2. Explain the difference between a stakeholder and a stockholder and why both are important to the success of an organization.

Don't forget to respond to the postings of your colleagues to keep the discussion going!

Session 2 - Financial Statements, Cash Flows and Taxes

The topic for discussion this week is: Cash Flow and Taxes

1. How does net cash flow differ from net income and why is that difference relevant to financial decision making?

2. With regard to tax purposes, which type of depreciation methods do organizations prefer and why?

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HR Management: What are 3 fundamental decisions that are of concern the
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