
What architect was first designated to rebuild st peters in

1) Which statement is best associated with the Viking age?

a. pilgrims traveled the great "roads" to reach Santiago de Compostela

b. Norse raiders plundered much of Christian Europe

c. Europe blossomed with a "white mantle of churches"

d. an age of tolerance was instituted in Muslim Spain

2) Which name or term is best associated with the development of sacred music in medieval Christianity?

a. interlace

b. St. Benedict

c. archivolt

d. Guido of Arezzo

3) Who would have most likely sung the Song of Roland?

a. a Cluniac monk

b. a student of Abelard

c. a Norman minstrel

d. a feudal peasant

4) In or on which of these would one expect to find a trope?

a. a carved ivory Bible cover of the early Middle Ages

b. a chapel of the abbey church of Cluny

c. the singing of a Gregorian chant

d. the carved capitals of a Romanesque church

5) Which of these figures engaged in a famous exchange of letters with a prominent medieval philosopher?

a. Heloïse

b. Hrotsvit of Gandersheim

c. William the Conqueror

d. abbess of Cluny

6) What phrase best describes John the Scot's (or Erigena's) book On Nature?

a. the account of a medieval pilgrim's journey

b. an important tract in the nominalist debate

c. an epic reflecting chivalric and military values

d. a Neoplatonic study of categories of being

7) What was it called when a musician elaborated on a musical syllable by adding a chain of additional notes?

a. tympanum

b. melisma

c. plainchant

d. cantus

8) Which of these figures was noted for assertive religious leadership, mystical religious writings, and the composition of exquisite sacred song?

a. Hrotsvit of Gandersheim

b. Hildegard of Bingen

c. Peter Abelard

d. Charlemagne

9) In what pursuit is solmization useful or important?

a. the chanson de geste

b. medieval combat

c. musical education

d Romanesque architecture

10) Which would have decorated the portal of a Romanesque church?

a. monophonic melisma

b. trivium relief

c. tympanum sculpture

d. manuscript illumination

11) Which term is best associated with the flowering of civilization in Muslim Spain at the capitals of Cordoba and Granada?

a. al-Andalus

b. pilgrimage

c. cloister

d. mysticism

12) What statement best describes Christine de Pisan?

a. a Cluniac monk who later became an important pope

b. a Chaucer character of frank sensuality and practicality

c. the Jewish author of a work on Aristotle and Hebrew scripture

d. author of a philosophical dialogue praising women

13) Which of these themes was most important in Abbot Suger's development of the Gothic style?

a. the discovery of Aristotle

b. the renunciation of all material wealth

c. the church as a fortress against sin

d. the mysticism of light

14) Which statement best describes the late Middle Ages' fervent devotion to the Virgin Mary?

a. led to greater social equality for medieval women

b. corresponded to the Egyptian cult of the goddess Isis

c. had died out in Italy by the time of Dante

d. helped inspire the construction of many Gothic cathedrals

15) Which of these figures was most influential in the development of the codes and customs of courtly love?

a. Eleanor of Aquitaine

b. Geoffrey Chaucer

c. Ibn Sina

d. Abbot Suger

16) What is the term for the verse form employed by Dante throughout his medieval epic, the Divine Comedy?

a. Minnesang

b. motet

c. duplum organum

d. terza rima

17) In what did Giotto's greatest achievement as a painter lie?

a. creating emotionally and spatially unified scenes

b. perfecting the combination of Italian and Byzantine styles

c. painting secular themes instead of religious images

d. applying the Gothic mysticism of light

18) In Dante's medieval epic, the Divine Comedy, what does the figure of Virgil symbolize?

a. divine revelation

b. the punishment of sin

c. romantic love

d. human reason

19) Standing in the triforium gallery of a Gothic church, one could look down and see what?

a. a tympanum sculpture

b. nave arcade

c. clerestory window

d. buttress

20) What northern composer served many European patrons, including Lorenzo de' Medici in Florence, with his eclectic musical talents?

a. Marsilio Ficino

b. Pico della Mirandola

c. Heinrich Isaac

d. Donato Bramante

21) Machiavelli wrote in The Prince that a "prince must not keep faith when by doing so it would be against his self-interest." What would a ruler following this precept most likely do?

a. carefully weigh the common good against his personal ambitions

b. ruthlessly betray his friends to remain in power

c. consult his priest before making important decisions

d. recognize the inherent rights of citizens to life and liberty

22) How is the technique of imitation in Renaissance music best defined?

a. composing in several different melodic lines

b. repeating, overlapping voices singing the same melody

c. expressing the words' meaning in musical tones

d. writing several compositions in the same form

23) What architect was first designated to rebuild St. Peter's in Rome and also designed the classical temple named the "Tempietto"?

a. Raphael Sanzio

b. Filippo Brunelleschi

c. Donato Bramante

d. Michelangelo Buonarroti

24) Which of these works might be said to possess the quality of terribilità- a fearsome power often attributed to Pope Julius II?

a. the School of Athens

b. Bramante's design for St. Peter's

c. Donatello's David

d. Michelangelo's Moses

25) Which statement best describes Michelangelo's designs for the tomb of Julius II?

a. uses an innovative two-part shell as part of its structure

b. expresses Neoplatonic ideas about different levels of spiritual existence

c. depicts the mysterious powers of divine creation

d. combines symbols of pagan and Christian wisdom

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History: What architect was first designated to rebuild st peters in
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