
What arc some basic beliefs of christians muslims and jews

Chapter 9 Questions

1. What arc some basic beliefs of Christians, Muslims and Jews?

2. What arc three things that are common amongst Christians. Muslims and Jews?

3. What are two significant holidays of each of the following religions:
a. Christianity
b. Islam
c. Judaism

4. How does the Buddhist view of God differ from some other religions?

5. What is dhanna and karma as practiced by Buddhist or Hindus?

6. What practices of Wiccans and Hindus might require a religious accommodation?

7. What arc ways of showing cultural sensitivity to Muslims during Ramadan and Jews during Shabbat?

8. What is an agnostic or atheist?

9. What are four examples of religious accommodation that can be made for an employee?

Internet Exercise

So that you do not have to self-identify what religion you practice, pick a religion other than the one discussed in the text or one that you practice (if any). Find information on this chosen religion using the Internet or the library searching world religions. Summarize the key beliefs about the religion and how it is similar or dissimilar to other religions that you have read about.

Chapter 10 Questions

1. What is considered a disability? Is this the same definition for handicapped?

2. What are three myths and the facts that counter the myths surrounding people with disabilities?

3. When is an employer required to mac an accommodation?

4. What arc four examples of reasonable accommodations that can he made for persons with disabilities?

5. Learning disabilities is a form of mental impairment, what art forms of learning disabilities and why should these indts 'duals he gisen equal employment opportunities?

6. What arc some tips that could he utibied to inters less a hard of hearing applicant?

7. Why is it beneficial for an employee with a terminal illness to work and what benefit is this for the workplace?

8. Does an HIV employee base to disclose their status? Flow does a company handle the confidentiality of a person who has disclosed they have HIV?

Internet Exercise

Using the Internet go to www.eeoc.gov then find information on disabIllty discrimination. Go to the "Questions and Answers Series" and chose a topic. Summarize the information you found and how it relates to the chapter information.


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