
What approaches society can take to incentivize poor people

Question 1: As we look forward to the rest of the twenty first century, it is clear that satisfying the projected needs of an ever-larger world population with the economy we now have is simply not possible. The western economic model - the fossil-fuel-base, automobile-centered throwaway economy - that so dramatically raised living standards for part of humanity during this century is in trouble. Indeed the global economy cannot expand indefinitely. This quote is attributed to Lester R Brown, an eminent American environmental analyst and commentator. Is this view credible? Discuss.

Question 2: There is a view in certain economic circles that abject poverty can cause poor people to focus on immediate gain thus discarding long-term environmental sustainability. However, this need not be the case. Indicate what approaches society can take to incentivize poor people to behave responsibly toward the environment.

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Macroeconomics: What approaches society can take to incentivize poor people
Reference No:- TGS03251371

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