
What and where is tuvalu why is tuvalu vulnerable what is

Watch "Bringing Awareness to the Global Warming - Tuvalu" and "Hawai?i's Climate Crisis Sea Level Rise" and respond to the following questions.

What and where is Tuvalu? Why is Tuvalu vulnerable?

What is the real threat the video is talking about?

What are the consequences of this threat to the people who still live there?

What is happening to their fresh water supply?

Write a paragraph or two discussing the following: Is climate change real? If it isn't real, then what is really happening? What is the evidence if it is real? note:Be honest with your response to these questions because your response one way or another will not affect your grade.

For the Hawai?i video, how does climate change affect Hawai?i?

What economic consequences are there? What about Hawai?i's infrastructure and the fresh water supply?

What supposedly is causing climate change and which geographical places are most at risk for the first effects of climate change?

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Dissertation: What and where is tuvalu why is tuvalu vulnerable what is
Reference No:- TGS02476053

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