What ancillary or complementing items have you been enticed


Have you ever shopped online? You have probably seen a window pop up that says, "You might also like this," and display similar or associated products. It is a form of cross-selling ancillary or complementing services or products. For example, if you bought a pair of pants, the site or sales rep might say, "You might want this top to match them, or this pair of earrings or shoes."

1. Why do companies and virtual stores cross-sell other items to you?

2. When observing a salesperson or checking out at a department store, have you ever had the representative try to sell you cleaner for leather shoes or a store credit card so that you can earn more shopper points?

3. Discuss the following:

• In your opinion, is this part of good customer service or simply revenue generation for the company?
• What ancillary or complementing items have you been enticed to buy, and why?

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Marketing Management: What ancillary or complementing items have you been enticed
Reference No:- TGS02117349

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