
What an immunization is is a process that stimulates the

Case 1


Immunizations are the key to being healthy and strong in life. Kids, an adults will get sick every day. The medications cost a good amount of money. What an immunization is, is " a process that stimulates the body's immune system to defend against attack by a particularly contagious disease. Immunization may be accomplished either naturally or through vaccination"(Invitation to The Life Span second edition). The flue and chicken pox's, and other diseases and or infections.

When babies are born they will have mandatory shots within 3 to 7 hours or longer after being born, to be vaccinated. The reason to have that done as soon as possible is that the babies immune system is weak and vulnerable to earth bacteria and viruses.

Vaccines are known to work with the body immune system to prevent attack by various diseases (Maglione et al., 2014). Parents should be enforced to get their children vaccinated, children get sick every day. Vaccines are genetically modified to where it will fight the harmful particles.

What people do not know is other countries do not have the medical resources to get the treatments. As the 2014 Ebola outbreak raged in West Africa, no vaccine was available, so thousands of people became very sick and more than 9,000 have died (apha.org 2017) The Benefits of getting vaccinated are much greater than the lives that are lost. Baby has an immune system that is much vulnerable to an adults immune system.

Instead, the weakened, killed, or partial virus or bacteria prompts your baby's immune system to develop antibodies, or defenders, against the disease (immunizeforgood.com 2010-2017). The viruses are smaller than the bacteria but when the virus is active it requires and living organisms to build up what is needed to be a living compound int he body, and blood.

It is important to remember that vaccines undergo rigorous safetytesting prior to FDA approval and are continually monitored for safety (immunizeforgood.com 2010-2017). No matter how many test trials they do or medications they use. Not all medication can help certain individuals and it will work perfectly. But some can backfire and not work. But with studies happening in the future and now is very promising and withholding.

It is important to have vaccination so that the body can fight the harmful bacteria. Body's immune system is very unique. Once the vaccine is put into the body it is continually monitored for any negative health effects (getreadyforflu.org). Society and the culture need the medication because it will help build the immune system so it can fight anything that comes its way. People should get vaccinated because you do not want to get sick, we do not want to get sick.

We as human beings can not afford most medications that have come out and shots that can be administered at the doctor's office. Best option is, is for people to get a acheck up every year, two times a year.

Case 2

Each parenting style carries different characteristics and brings about different reactions in children for example you have some parents who are authoritarians, (which means that they are very strict and can also be controlling). Permissive, (very loving , yet also provide few guidelines and rules). Uninvolved, (usually emotionally detached from their children).

All of three of these different parent styles differ when it comes to discipline while most authoritarian parents might prevent mistakes before they happen unlike permissive or uninvolved parents.

I believe in spanking 100% I feel as if it shows the child that you are the boss of things , but I also feel as if it isn't necessary to spank for every little thing that the child may do. When my son goes somewhere with another person (mostly family) I tend to give them permission to spank him if he gets out of hand or starts to throw a tantrum. I also believe that there is a fine line between spanking and beating!

Case 3

If I had to instruct a sex education class there is some information that I would include such as: diseases, protected, and unprotected sex, pregnancy, birth control.

No I don't feel like there is anything I wouldn't include simple because I don't want people to feel like I am keeping anything from them that could possibly be important later on. I feel like the most important thing for teens to know is that it is preventable and there are routes that you can take to prevent pregnancy and diseases. I wish somebody other then my family would have told me more things about sex as I was growing up.

I think the thing that hit home the most when it came to this topic is having a family member with the HIV virus and watching them go down hill every time you see them and just seeing how difficult it can be to be in a long-tern relationship with anybody that doesn't have the disease.

Case 4

Alzheimer's disease is a neurocognitive disorder of the brain that affects a person's ability to remember, analyze, plan, or interact with other people. A protein called beta-amyloid found in tissue surrounding the neurons and tangles twisted of threads of protein called tau within the neurons in the cerebral cortex.

The first stage is mild cognitive impairment. A person may forget recent events or his/her way home from a familiar place. The second stage is general confusion with deficits in concentration and short-term memory. Speech becomes repetitious, words get mixed up, and vocabulary becomes limited.

In stage three memory loss becomes a dangerous. One may forget to take his/her medication or may take the medication twice or never take it at all.

In stage four full time care is needed. One cannot communicate well and may not recognize their closest relatives. In stage five the person is unresponsive. Identity and personality have disappeared. Death comes 10 to 15 years after the first signs appear.

Alzheimer's disease is partly genetic those who is diagnose with this disease at an early onset usually has trisomy-21 (Down Syndrome or has inherited one of three genes: amyloid precursor protein(APP), presenilin 1, or presenilin 2. With these three genes the disease progresses quickly, reaching the last phase within three to five years.

Most cases begin much later at the age of 75. Many genes have some impact including SORL1 and ApoE4 which is a neuronal apolipo protein ereceptor which is predominantly expressed in the central nervous system.

Researchers are looking for a cure however, their focus has broadened from a treatment to prevention. They have discovered it may be possible to prevent or delay the symptoms of Alzheimer's through healthy habits. Such as regular exercise, social engagement, healthy diet, mental stimulation, quality sleep, and stress management can all help delay the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

Case 5

A near death experience is an unusual experience taking place on the brink of death and recounted by a person after recovery, typically an out-of-body experience or a vision of tunnel light. Some people see a light just like the definition explains it at the end of a tunnel , in some cases like when my great-grandmother passed right before she passed she was seeing people that had passed before her.

According to actor Peter Sellers, who had a near-death experience after a heart attack, " I felt myself leave my body I just floated out of my physical form and I saw them cart my body away." My thoughts on NDE is that I think all of us at a point in our lives whether it be when we die or when something tragic happens I feel as if we will all go thorough this stage of life.

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Dissertation: What an immunization is is a process that stimulates the
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