What amount should roasten accrue as its share of payroll

Roasten Corp.'s payroll for the pay period ended October 31, 2014 is summarized as follows:

  Federal   Amount of Wages Subject
Department Total Income Tax   to Payroll Taxes
Payroll Wages   Withheld   F.I.C.A. Unemployment
Factory $ 75,000 $ 9,000 $70,000 $32,000
Sales    22,000    3,000    16,000    2,000
Office    18,000    2,000      8,000 ______
  $115,000 $14,000   $94,000 $34,000

Assume the following payroll tax rates:

F.I.C.A. for employer and employee   7% each
Unemployment   3%

What amount should Roasten accrue as its share of payroll taxes in its October 31, 2014 balance sheet?

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Accounting Basics: What amount should roasten accrue as its share of payroll
Reference No:- TGS02609631

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