What ambrosio lectures have emphasized

Problem: Dr. Ambrosio's lectures have emphasized two genetic lines, that of the hero and that of the saint, concluding along the way that these are both incommensurable and yet complementary. The ideal of the secular saint has arisen as a person who lives the question of meaning in human existence fully open to its mystery and fully committed to searching for meaning along the paths of both hero and saint. The secular saint does not live human questions in terms of their truth or falsehood, but in terms of the way his or her participation in the dialogue shapes that one human identity for which he or she alone is responsible. Does that describe you? Do you see yourself in the image of the secular saint? Whether you do or do not, how do you move forward from here? How do you view a meaningful life, and how do you come to understand that meaning? How does a person live a meaningful life? You should consider what each figure's key teachings were as they contribute, whether positively or negatively, to your own understanding of a meaningful life.

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History: What ambrosio lectures have emphasized
Reference No:- TGS03287152

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