
What allowed me to work successfully with them is to be

I have worked successfully with people from identity groups other than my own, and the job that I have now I work with other groups also. What allowed me to work successfully with them is to be able to not look at them as different that I am, but to work with them as equals and not look at the color or their skin or the way they may talk different. But the bad thing is that where I live most people only make fun of them behind their backs, and some of them even to their face and this is so sad and it makes me really mad that people could be so degrading to people that are different than they are. Like I have said before I live in a county where that if you are not White then you are always going to have those that have a hatred for people being different. I have never really worked any where that had a lot of people that were from a different identity group, but I have always made it a point to make them feel welcome and when they were talked about I would always tell them to try and not pay attention to those who what to think they look good at making fun of them in front of their friends. When the people that would make fun of them were by themselves then they would not say a word, and it was only when they were around a bunch of their friends that they would say something negative to them. I think people with low self-esteem about themselves are the ones trying to make themselves feel better when they can make fun of someone else.

What allows people to work successfully in identity groups?

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Dissertation: What allowed me to work successfully with them is to be
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