
What albani life experiences are with the topic humanity

Assignment task:

Albani speaks about "Humanity."  And writes about his experience as a young boy in Nigeria.  What would you say his life experiences are with the topic of "Humanity?"  Short Story below.

EVEN THOUGH it was a wet, rainy afternoon, I was glad my aunt had taken me to the market with her. Even her rerigious fanaticism, which sometimes prompted her to proserytize, embarrassingly, to comprete strangers' wasn't enough to deaden my good mood. The rainy season in Nigeria was my favorite even as a l0-year-old. It had something io do with the light. It was crisp, like a new bank note or a thing washed and starched. And then there was the way everything smelled, I inhaled deeply. The scent was a balanced mix of wet earth and the dry roughness of rope. There was continuity to that smell, as if it were the essence of the land itself. I closed my eyes for a moment. other scents in the market broke through the smell of wet earth-the throat-burning sharpness of peppers, dried fish, the animal-funk of goats and chickens. suddenly, a lone voice screamed one word over and over: ,,Thief I Thiefl Thiefl" It was picked up slowly, as if the dnzzle that afternoon had dampened the scent of blood. My aunt froze and faced the sound, nose sniffinq the air like a lioness sensing prey. A man's voice, tired and breathless, tried to counter the rising chant with a feeble retod: "It's a lie! It's a lie!" I drew nearer to my aunt, confused and more than a little afraid, but she shook off my clutching hand. Her head turned like an antenna seeking a signal. The sound of a chase grew closer-desperate, pounding feet and shouts. A man with a wild expression came around a corner and nearly knocked over a stall. Young men were almost on his heels, followed some distance behind by a Iarger cluster. The man ran past us, and it seemed as if I could see the pores in his skin. As he pushed past, my aunt slapped him across the face. He flinched but didn't stop; he was headed for the courtyard in the middle of the market, where the retired elders sat daily to dispense justice. I imagined the man bursting into the clearing, cries of "Sanctuary sanctuary!" breaking from his lips, The council of elders was the highest court in my community, besides, of course, the civil system' It arbitrated on everything from murder to marital disputes, and its authority was never questioned. I felt certain the man would be safe there, This was the mob justice I had read about in the newspaper editorials 5 that my father made my homework. Rife with condemnations of the mob tynchings that were becoming the norm in the 70's, the editorials pointed out that these victims of vigilante justice received no trials and that the crimes they were accused of were never investigated. The editorials went a step further to suggest that most of those killed this way were probably innocent, But in the terror of that moment, editorials were of little use to the man running for his life and would do little to placate the angry horde, My aunt dragged me along behind the crowd that swept past us' The man stood in the middle of the clearing facing the elders while the crush of people pressed around them, In the center of this sacred space, the sole elder to stand up and call for tolerance was booed and pelted with rotten fruit. He sat down quickty and turned his face away, I was sure that the man was about to be lynched. How could the crowd ignore the elder's intervention? And why didn't the other elders speak out? The mob was oddly silent; its loud breathing filled the space. The accused man began to beg, but people were too busy picking up stones and tree branches, anything that could be used as a weapon. A young man broke through the crowd carrying an old rubber tire and a metal can, He hung the tire from the accused's neck. This singular action ended the man's pleas for mercy. Resigned, he sobbed sofily, mumbling inaudibly, but he didn't move as the young man emptied the contents of the can onto him, The young man smiled and talked as he went about his task: "You see why crime doesn't pay? I am doing this for your you know. If you burn here, you won't burn in hell, God is reasonable, " Finishing, he held up a box of matches, The crowd roared. The elder who had tried intervening spoke again, but nobody listened. Someone called out, ,,Bring the children forward so that they can learn." My aunt hustled me to the front. Next to me stood a girl Her face was impassive; I was ashamed at my fear, I never saw the match fall, but I felt the heat as the man erupted intoa sheet of flame, burning like a lighthouse in the drizzly haze. "watch,', my aunt said as I tried to turn away from the writhing figure. As the man burned, people began to file past him in an orderly manner tike the offertory line in the Catholic church I attended. As they walked past' they spat on the incandescent figure. My aunt spat. I looked. away, hald held over my nose at the smell of burning flesh, horrified that it reminded me of kebabs. "Spit," she snapped, rapping me on the head with her knuckles. I spat.

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English: What albani life experiences are with the topic humanity
Reference No:- TGS03313329

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