
What age group is most vulnerable to the disease how is it


The disease to be discussed is cholera

The intention of this project is to allow students to explore a medical topic of disease and laboratory diagnosis while providing an opportunity to earn class points toward their overall semester grade. The presentation must, at a minimum, be 20 slides but may be longer. The presentation must include the citation of sources in standard format.

Items that must be covered:

What is the disease?

How is the disease contracted?

When was it first discovered or diagnosed?

How is it diagnosed, symptoms, lab tests used, etc

What were the early forms of treatment, how were they administered and were they successful?

What is the current modern methods of treatment? Medicines used?

What is the patient prognosis? What is the fatality rate?

What age group is most vulnerable to the disease?

What is the probability of contracting the disease in the US? In other parts of the world? Where is the rate of acquiring it the highest?

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Biology: What age group is most vulnerable to the disease how is it
Reference No:- TGS02692519

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