
What advice would you offer others who are trying to

Interview a person you consider to be an effective business leader. Interviewee should hold a current position as manager, director, president or CEO level in a corporation or not-for-profit. Interview your selected leader about the contemporary topics that affect and challenge him/her today. Personal interviews are preferred; however, Skype is acceptable to use.

Explain the nature of BLI 3302, this assignment, and then ask permission to conduct the interview.

A. Ask your business leader the following questions:

1. How do you define an effective business leader?

2. What are the two or three experiences that you remember as being most influential in developing your leadership skills?

3. How have your views on business changed over the past three years?

4. Do you believe that leadership in your area of business is different from, or involves different pressures than, leadership in other areas?

5. What was a specific task/project that a lower level employee completed that demonstrated their leadership ability.

6. In our course, we are practicing business writing and verbal presentations. How do you see these skills impacting the managers and leaders in your company?

7. What advice would you offer others who are trying to develop their business leadership effectiveness?

B. Based on your interview and the "Seven Transformations of Leadership" article, surmise what type of leader you believe your leader to be and why.

Write a holistic (not question/answer format) paper. The length should be 2 to 3 pages. Use 1-1/2 spaced lines and 12 pt. Times New Roman type style. Include information from your interview, what you learned, and the personal application for your own future business leader development.

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Dissertation: What advice would you offer others who are trying to
Reference No:- TGS02531037

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