
What advantages does netflix have over premium cable

Consider the Prada case mentioned in the sidebar "Technology ≠ Systems." What did Prada fail to consider when it rolled out the technology in its flagship location? Could this effort have been improved for better results? If you were put in charge of this kind of effort, what would determine whether you'd go forward with the effort or not? If you did go forward, what factors would you consider and how might you avoid some of the mistakes made by Prada?

What kinds of firms should aggressively pursue social media? Which ones might consider avoiding these practices? If a firm is concerned about online conversations, what might this also tell management?

Search online to find examples of corporate social media policies. Share your findings with your instructor. What points do these policies have in common? Are there aspects of any of these policies that you think are especially strong that other firms might adopt? Are there things in these policies that concern you?

What is crowdsourcing? Give examples of organizations that are taking advantage of crowdsourcing and be prepared to describe these efforts.

What ethical issues should firms be aware of when consider crowdsourcing? Are there other concerns firms may have when leveraging this technique?

Assume the role of a manager or consultant. Recommend a firm and a task that would be appropriate for crowdsourcing. Justify your choice, citing factors such as cost, breadth of innovation, time, constrained resources, or other factors. How would you recommend the firm conduct this crowdsourcing effort?

Q 1: Consider the eBook publishing case between Amazon and Apple, as well as the spat between Amazon and Hachette. Research the current state of these disputes and any court rulings.

Is Amazon a monopoly? Does Amazon have too much power and do you think it should be regulated? Is Amazon's pricing 'predatory' in a way that unfairly disadvantages would-be competitors? Should Amazon be allowed to continue agency pricing without limitations? Do you think publishers were wrong to work with Apple?

What is the current status of this case (note: similar cases in the US and Europe may be at differing stages or have differing outcomes). Are Amazon's actions with respect to Hachette fair? Do you believe they help or hurt consumers? How might this impact Amazon's brand? The firm's relationship with the authors?

Q 2: What is AWS and what services are provided? Investigate online and report back on the costs associated with key services such as EC2 and S3.

Why did Amazon decide to get into cloud computing? This business is radically different from shipping books and other physical products. Do you think Amazon should continue to keep AWS as part of Amazon.com, or should it spin the firm out as a separate company?

What would be the advantages to either approach? Search online to see if you can find opinions that analysts or journalists may have regarding AWS's growth prospects in Amazon or as a separate firm.

Q1) What advantages does Netflix have over premium cable television channels? What advantages do these channels have over Netflix? Do you think this is a winner-take-all market, or is there room enough for multiple players?

Q2) Why can't Netflix secure a long tail of streaming content that is the same size as its content catalog in the DVD-by-mail business? What is Netflix doing to make its streaming catalog more appealing than rival offerings?

Either Q3) How does Netflix build its data asset? In what ways does it leverage this data asset? Why is the data asset stronger under streaming than it was for the DVD-by-mail business?

OR Q 4) Investigate the current state of net neutrality. What is the current status of ISPs right to offer a fast lane or impose bandwidth caps? Who would you side with, Netflix or the large ISPs? Why?

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Business Management: What advantages does netflix have over premium cable
Reference No:- TGS01467140

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