
What actions the player may use to overcome that challenge

Assignment: Game Design and Production


Attempt ALL questions from Section A.

Question 1.

Which of the following is not a benefit of computerised gaming?
A Artificial intelligence
B More entertaining
C Hiding the rules
D Rich presentation of the game world E Controlled pacing

Question 2.

Which of the following is one of the first steps in defining a game concept?
A Deciding what the player will do
B Writing a game design document
C Writing code
D Deciding how you are going to market the game E All of the above

Question 3.

Why is it important to be inclusive when designing a game?
A So that everyone will like the game
B Because it's politically correct
C Even though the game is not targeted at a particular group, that doesn't mean that none of that group will like the game
D Publishers want a well-defined target audience and it is important to make sure that you have some bargaining power so that you get what you want
E None of the above

Question 4.
Which part of the concept document provides a brief overview of the game from the perspective of a player?
A Working Title
B Concept Statement
C Game Treatment
D Budget and Schedule E None of the above

Question 5.
When defining a style, you need to identify the content and ...
A the colour scheme
B how the content is depicted
C the rendering algorithms used
D the story structure
E All of the above

Question 6.
In level design, what is blocking in?
A Blocking off paths that you don't want the player to be able to follow
B Creating a rough plan of your level in Minecraft to quickly get a playable prototype
C Randomly generating city blocks to save time
D Adding rough shapes and placeholders to a level to get a feel for size and perspective
E Locking down the level design and handing off to the art team to develop assets

Question 7.
An example of how you could use abstraction in a pioneer adventure game would be:
A Let the computer automate feeding of your oxen
B Include an expert mode for advanced players
C Do not model how much sleep your characters need
D Create deep interfaces
E Create broad interfaces

Question 8.
In a game like Tetris, which of the following would increase the stress level when playing the game?
A Increasing the pace of the game
B Increasing the complexity of the pieces
C Decreasing the pace of the game
D Decreasing the complexity of the pieces
E None of the above

Question 9.
Which of the following items of documentation is especially useful for estimating the time required to develop a level?
A An asset list
B A description of the style
C The story structure
D Gameplay and game mechanics
E None of the above

Question 10.
Which of the following would have the least effect on a player's immersion when saving the game?
A Giving players a button to click that will take them to a Save dialog box
B Saving the game automatically when the player exits or passes a checkpoint
C Having the player press a key combination, and then type a password to save a file
D Allowing the player to save only during cut-scenes
E Forcing the player to return to the start of the level when they die

Question 11.
Symmetric player information in a multiplayer game is likely to promote which of the following?
A Alliances
B Bluffing
C Sharing of information D Risk taking
E All of the above

Question 12.
What is the difference between a converter mechanic and a trader mechanic?
A A converter mechanic can cause a feedback loop
B A converter mechanic does not destroy or create resources
C There is no difference
D A trader mechanic can cause a feedback loop
E A trader mechanic does not destroy or create resources

Question 13.
Why do many board games require you to roll multiple dice?
A Because they want to produce random numbers over a greater range B To make it more random
C Because it's more fun
D To create a more natural spread of numbers
E All of the above

Question 14.
When it comes to pacing, a good rule of thumb is:
A Levels should start slow and get progressively faster like a ball rolling down a hill
B Levels tend to be too fast for most players to enjoy, make them slower
C Levels should have varied pacing, alternating between fast and slow periods D Levels in action games should start fast and stay fast
E The pace of a level should peak around the middle of the level

Question 15.
Which type of testing requires no checklists or well-defined procedures?
A Play-throughs
B Ad hoc testing
C Automated testing D Functionality testing
E Regression testing


There are eight questions in Section B, attempt any SIX questions.

All questions in Section B relate to a single game concept of your choice. You must choose an original game concept (NOT the one you worked on in-semester).

Question 16.

Imagine that you are presenting your game idea to a publisher.

a) Write a high concept statement for the game idea.

b) Elaborate on the concept by writing a brief description of the game.

c) List the key features and unique selling points of the game.

Question 17.

As the lead designer it is your task to make sure that the entire team is familiar with the world in which the game will take place in order to maintain a coherent game design.

a) Discuss two of the following dimensions of your game world: physical, temporal, environmental, cultural, and ethical.

b) Discuss the level of realism of the game world, and explain why this level is appropriate.

Question 18.

The game designer is responsible for determining the significance and overall structure of the game's story.

a) Describe the structure of the story for your game, and provide an outline of all key plot events. You may find it useful to include a diagram for a part of the story.

b) Describe ways in which character growth will be implemented in your game.

Question 19.

The user interface is the only way in which players can interact with your game.

a) Draw a quick sketch of the main view of your game, and explain your decisions regarding the positioning and type of the key interface components.

b) Describe the method you have chosen for player perspective and navigation and why this combination is appropriate.

Question 20.

Gameplay can be defined as the actions and challenges that make up the user experience.

a) Describe an important challenge in your game and explain what actions the player may use to overcome that challenge.

b) For the challenge described above, how could you modify the difficulty of that challenge?

c) Describe the mechanism for saving the game, and why you have chosen that mechanism.

Question 21.

The core mechanics of the game need to be specified clearly and concisely so that programmers can implement them consistently, and with little additional input from the designer.

a) Write a detailed description of one of the key mechanics in your game - include diagrams where appropriate.

b) What is one way that you could add negative feedback or balancing effects to your game and explain the advantages that may result.

Question 22.

a) Discuss the difficulty progression of your game using appropriate terminology.

b) Discuss the use (or lack of use) of difficulty modes in your game design.

Question 23.

Provide a brief description and a level blueprint for one of the levels of your game and explain how you have applied some of the key principles of level design.

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

1. The answer should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

2. The response also include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Also Include a reference page. The Citations and references should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Other Subject: What actions the player may use to overcome that challenge
Reference No:- TGS02947428

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